Mario "The Butcher" Montes

Cathy Leone
A Dream In A Back Alley
After 30 years in the Grocery Business in Northern California, Mario "The Butcher" Montes decided to hang up his knives in 2018 to pursue his other passions in Acting and Stand-up Comedy. Relocating to the East Coast with his wife Jeri to continue his passion in the Performing Arts, and comedy. Mario began studying acting in New York City at HB Studios. Deciding to permantly reside in Ocean Grove, he felt his calling to pick up his butcher knives once again and do what he does best.. Create delicious, fresh food.
A labor of love, passion, service and delicious food awaits you all in a Back Alley of Ocean Grove, New Jersey. Mario has dedicated himself to all of his passions these days, embracing all that comes his way with love, faith, discipline, positivity and of course, humor! It is his upmost pleasure to serve you at John and Mario's Back Alley Deli.